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  2. São Paulo
  3. Brunch at the Sé Cathedral in São Paulo
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Brunch at the Sé Cathedral in São Paulo

5.0 (8)


  • Visita Guiada na Catedral, Visita aos Sinos e Cúpula,

What's included

  • Vinhos
  • Espumante
  • Refrigerante
  • Sucos
  • Água
  • Brunch
  • Guia de Turismo

What's not included

  • Estacionamento


Brunch is an event that brings together haute cuisine, faith, art and culture in one of the city's postcards. It starts at 11 am (on Sundays with Mass) and (on Saturdays) at 12 pm. Reservations will be made at round tables for 10 seats.

Menu - This is a lunch, although we call it Brunch. Varied menu, with more than 20 options, including vegetarian, with meat-free options. For vegans, we emphasize that the gastronomic experience is restricted. The drinks included are sparkling wines, red wines, soft drinks, juices and water.

Children: Despite being an event for adults, children can participate. However, the cost of the reservation is the full value corresponding to the seat at the table; It does not take into account what it will consume, but rather the occupancy of the place. The duration of the event is long (12:30 pm to 4:30 pm), so it is worth evaluating whether their participation is appropriate.

Tour: After lunch there will be a panoramic tour of the Cathedral accessed only by stairs (there is no elevator), so you need to be willing to do it. The visiting circuit starts at around 2:15 pm and lasts approximately 1:15 for the following route:

  • Crypt (The underground chapel), where the bishops of São Paulo are buried, as well as the Tibiriçá Indian. We will visit the Holy Shroud exhibition and some sacred pieces that are on display there.
  • The Altar and Choir (overlooking the Gazebo and Italian stained glass windows)
  • The Dutch bell tower
  • Roof and dome from where you have a panoramic view of the entire city.

Parking: We offer a Valet service where you will safely drop off in our parking lot and the valet will take your car. Value: 40.00 for the entire period of the event to be paid directly to the Valet.

The Brunch at Catedral da Sé aims to support the maintenance and conservation of the Cathedral and directly and indirectly support the Belém Mission. For these reasons we do not have the half-price benefit (students and seniors).

Fine sportswear. It involves lunch and a visit to the city's main church, so make the moment special in this aspect too. We suggest that women wear comfortable shoes.

Start point

Catedral da Sé - Praça da Sé - Sé, São Paulo - SP, Brasil
Price from
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